Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chapter 14

Chapter fourteen
Gabriel marched with a limb in his right leg through the hallway of white statues. In his hands, he held the clothing tightly along with the G.P.S device he found in Victoria's basement. Beside him was Victoria. The two walked through the hallway and stopped at the door that led into the blue office. Gabriel threw open the office door and stepped into the office with Victoria following.

"Shape-shifter?" Victoria asked as she stared at the back of Gabriel with confusion. Her voice held the strong French accent, even when she spoke in English.

"Yes, I know it is hard to believe." Gabriel said as he tossed the clothing and the device onto the desk. He walked through the office and stopped in front of the television set.

"It isn't that I believe you, Gabriel, but I have never heard of a shape-shifter who wanted to become another man. The only shifters I have seen would change into some wild animal." Victoria said as she slowly walked up behind him.

Gabriel's blue eyes studied the many screens on the television set. "He must be in there somewhere."

"I would suspect he couldn't be seen if he was invisible." Victoria said with a raised eyebrow.

Gabriel shook his head. "No no, I am looking for that Bugsy character. Once we can secure the mad man, then we can look for our invisible man." His eyes darted to the far left of the television screen to a security camera feed from within the club. He pointed at the little screen. "There..."

In the small little split screen camera feed was the little boy named Eddie, who was sitting on the floor. The bartender, Kat, was comforting him by kneeling beside him.

Gabriel turned and darted through the office with a hobble. "Try to get a hold of Zach, I'll check it out." He commanded to Victoria. He stopped as he neared the desk.

Zachary was entering the room with a worried grin. "No need, I am present."

Gabriel let out a heavy sigh. "Things are getting out of hand."

Zachary nodded as he removed his gloves. "Indeed."

Gabriel squinted his eyes as Zachary's back turned towards him. His blue eyes narrowed on the torn leather coat. "Ezra?"

Zachary sighed as he tossed the gloves onto the desk. He picked up the G.P.S device and stared at it blankly. "The telepathic woman was in control of the poor girl. I tried to not hurt her the best I could."

Gabriel nodded. "And?"

"She is fine." He smirked with wide red eyes. "I cannot say the same for our telepathic friend." He held up the device and glanced to Gabriel. "What is this? Some sort of tracking device?"

Gabriel nodded. "Yeah, it appears that the owner of that device has now disappeared."

"Explain." He said as he powered up the hand held device.

Gabriel glanced over his shoulder to Victoria and then returned to Zachary. "This William stumbled upon some experimental formula in Victoria's lab. Some type of invisible formula."

Zachary gave a boyish chuckle. "He is some sort of invisible man?"

Gabriel looked at Zachary with a frown. "I fear to see the humor in this."

Zachary gave a smirk and sat down the device on the desk. He held out his arms and shrugged. "Jekyll and Hyde checked into our monster hotel along with a very powerful telepathic woman and now we have an invisible man. All we need is a mummy and we can do the monster mash."

Gabriel shook his head and started for the office door.

Zachary turned to follow the friend with a chuckle. "A little laughter can go a long way, dear Gabriel."


Gabriel opened the left door and Zachary opened the right as both entered the loud club that buzzed with excitement. By this time, Eddie sat on a nearby bar stool and was sipping on a glass filled with whiskey.

The two approached Eddie. Zachary held his arms behind his back while Gabriel marched with his limp.

Eddie sat down his glass and glanced to the two with a roll to his eyes. He waved his hand and shook his head. "I had nothing to do with it!"

Gabriel nodded. "What happened?!"

Eddie pointed to the doors with a smirk. "I hope you noticed the blood trail on the way in!"

Zachary nodded with a grin. "And I noticed that your Irish ways found you again! I thought we agreed that I could get a law suit slapped on me if you are caught drinking whiskey, Eddie?!"

Eddie smirked as he slipped off the bar stool. "Go to hell Zach! Follow me!"

With the little ten year old boy leading the way, Eddie, Gabriel and Zachary walked from the bar to the double doors. They entered the more quiet hallway filled with candles. Eddie stopped right beside the coffin filled with glow sticks. His bright Safire eyes stared up at Zachary for a moment. "I'm not sure what happened, but I think I was attacked by some damn ghost or something."

Zachary nodded. "We have discovered that it was the invisible man."

Eddie frowned and threw his head back with a scoff. "Let me guess, Vicky?"

Gabriel nodded. "Some type of formula. Did you see where they went?"

Eddie glanced to Gabriel with a dull glare and snarled his upper lip, exposing his long canines to the light. "Do you honestly think I was paying attention with my head turned completely around?"

Zachary took in a deep breath and disappeared.

Eddie rubbed the back of his neck. "Who was that guy the ... Invisible man dragging out?"

Gabriel sighed. "His name is Bugsy."

"One of Zach's friends?" Eddie said with a sarcastic tone.

Gabriel glanced over Eddie's head and then back to Eddie. "Well ... He wasn't like that to begin with. Zachary thought he was bringing home someone else."

Eddie clapped his hands once and sucked in air through his teeth, causing a loud hissing sound. "Well ... I am officially confused."

Zachary appeared at the end of the stair case, staring down at the hand held G.P.S. "What will man think of next?” Zachary started to walk over to the two with the device in hand. His red eyes glowed and then suddenly dimmed as he removed his eyes from the screen in the device. "I am almost certain this device tracks every move of Bugsy slash Richard."

Eddie widened his eyes and waved his arms in the air. "Who the hell is Richard?"

Gabriel pointed at the device. "It would make sense; a hunter should tag his prey."

Zachary nodded and turned to the front doors. "Come Gabriel, we must find our Hyde."

Eddie let out a heavy dramatic sigh. "I guess I should stay here and make the curtain call?"

Zachary did not turn or glance to the child, he kept his stride and opened the front door. "Of course. We will explain everything upon our return."

Gabriel sighed and patted Eddie's small right shoulder before following Zachary. "That's a good lad." He said as he continued his limping stride.

Zachary stood by the door, holding it open for Gabriel. Once Gabriel reached the front door, Zachary turned and stopped on the first marble step and adjusted his coat.

Gabriel closed the door behind him and walked into the cold air. The sky held a light blue glare as the morning rose across the country side.

"I have a suggestion." Gabriel announced as he stood next to Zachary. "Perhaps we could leave this alone. We clearly have no obligation over these individuals at the moment. We clearly have underestimated this ... People."

Zachary nodded with a sigh. "Yes, however, we are forgetting that there is an unbiased victim in all of this. Richard did not ask to be thrown into all of this, which is why I am going to bring him back to the manor."

Gabriel nodded. His blue eyes stared into the full parking lot in front of them. "I did forget about the poor boy." He sighed. "What do you plan?"

Zachary turned to his right and nodded his head towards the direction of the parked van. "Apparently, this William took one of the patron’s cars. However, time is on our side and the two could not have gone too far." He held out the G.P.S device to Gabriel with his left pale hand. "Follow the beacon in the mustang. I'll travel by air."

Gabriel slowly took the device and nodded. "If this William person is as agitated as Victoria says, he should be speeding through town."

Zachary's red irises began to glow with a strong beam of red light. "Agreed." His form then quickly dissolved into his black fog form. The fog ran across the steps and onto the ground before shooting up into the air. The form swam through the air like a snake in water.

Gabriel pulled out a set of keys from his left slack pocket and limped over to the red mustang parked just on the other side of the van.

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