Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chapter 9

Chapter nine
Her eyes flickered for only a second before opening all the way. She took in a deep breath of air as her mind awoke from a deep sleep. A tingling sensation filled her chubby cheeks from the cold grass that sat underneath her. A cold breeze brushed passed her, wiggling her curly blond hair.

Selena laid just outside of the cable fence that was once electrocuted. A moan came from her throat as she moved her arms and placed her palms onto the ground. She pushed her upper torso up. The sleepy looking eyes glanced around the dark night that surrounded her. She rolled onto her back and grunted with pain on her mouth. "Oh ... Shit." Selena tried to glance at the wound and placed her hand over it. The wound was only a large scrape just below her shoulder. "A shoulder for a shoulder, huh, Billy?" She spoke out loud to herself.

The woman gathered her thoughts, and the weapon she used against Billy, Selena decided to push herself to her feet, careful that she did not rush in case she would faint again. Once she was on her feet, Selena decided to crawl through the cable like fence and started towards the gate that sat in between the brick wall. She held the knife out as she readied herself for anyone to jump out at her. As she reached the gate, the back yard garden lit up brightly from lawn lights that stood out of the ground! She squinted her eyes in shock and started to back away from the gate. The frightened Selena turned around and saw the wall of dark forest sitting before her. A large opening and a dirt trail appeared just in between the cable fence row. She glanced over her shoulder to the gate only once before taking in a deep breath and charging towards the opening that gaped open like a mouth filled with dark tree limbs and dirt.

Steam blasted out of her mouth as she ran quickly into the woods. Her legs slammed on the ground swiftly as she continued to run deeper and deeper into the woods. She stopped only once to lean against a tall pine tree to gather her breath and thoughts. "There has to be ... A way ... Out of here." She heaved. "Got to get to ... The highway."

Selena slowly continued to follow the dirt trail deeper and deeper into the woods. She glanced all around her; the moon light that hung over the woods would shine its beams through the tree limbs and the traveler could see thick piles of leaves and dirt. Pine cones crutched under her feet as she continued to walk slower and slower. Her eyes grew with fear, but she kept her determination as she walked deeper into the forest. She glanced to the dirt trail as she followed it with hope that it would lead her to the highway. Finally, Selena stopped and stared down at the ground with wide eyes; the trail had suddenly stopped and now she was wondering into the woods without a guide. "Oh shit." She exclaimed with a frustrated whisper. She kicked at the ground, causing some pine needles and dirt to fly into the cold air. "Why me?!"

A loud wolf like howl shot through the air and caused Selena to turn around while wielding the blade in front of her. She breathed heavily and steam rolled out of her nostrils as she licked her lips. Another howl was sounded, but did not sound like the first one. The second howl sounded more like a man groaning and howling like a wolf!

"What the hell is that?" She asked herself.

After a moment of standing in the cold, Selena turned around to continue deeper into the forest. She walked carefully and studied the area around her. She squinted her eyes into the dark areas and would stop whenever a sound was heard. Without looking on the ground, Selena felt a large object hit her wandering feet and caused her to trip.

Selena fell onto the ground with a grunt. Her face landed into the dirt and quickly she pushed herself away from the large object and pointed her knife at it. The object that caused her to trip was a carcass of a deer. Its stomach had been ripped in half and dark blood had engulfed its final resting place. Its eyes stared at her with frozen terror.

Selena squinted her eyes and started to examine the half eaten deer. "Oh man."

The howl sounded again through the air, the first one she heard before. It was wolf like, but more strange, like a bear growling with a wolf voice. Selena pointed her knife to threaten the darkness surrounding her. She turned to the right from the sound of a twig snapping nearby.

As she studied the darkness with fearful eyes, Selena's blond hair began to sway just slightly by heavy breathing coming from behind her. Selena sniffed the air and widened her eyes as the slight snarling sound of some sort of animal came from behind her. With her blade pointed in front of her, the woman slowly glanced over her shoulder and froze in her place.

Behind her was a large animal cover in white fur; it stood on four legs that were almost lion like. At its shoulder, the animal stood about five foot tall and was massive. The large head of the creature looked wolf like in nature, but its ears were smaller like a tiger. The yellow eyes stared at her with fury as it snarled, revealing long sharp, bloody teeth!

Selena let out a heavy breath and kept her frozen state. "Oh ... God." She whispered with fear in her throat.

The animal sniffed her for a moment, snarling at her with wild eyes. Finally, the creature slowly walked around her. It twisted its head as it walked completely around her and stopped right in front of her. The carcass of the deer sat in between them. The creature snarled once before turning its attention to the deer. It opened its jaws wide and started to consume the deer at on the back. It pulled the flesh off and pressed its left paw down on the dead dear to help it remove the furry skin. The horrible sound of the flesh being torn filled the air around them.

Selena closed her eyes. "Okay ..." She slowly started to walk backwards, keeping an eye on the creature. Careful to allow only small amounts of breath out of her mouth, Selena opened her eyes and watched the creature eat the already dead animal as she backed away. "...Just ... Be ... Slow."

The animal lifted its head and snarled its bloody lips and teeth at Selena. The small tiger like ears pinned against its head as the eyes squinted at her. Its growl was unearthly and sliced through the night air.

Selena stopped and her lower lip quivered as she held her breath. An eternity of minutes passed as she stared into the creature's yellow eyes. Tension filled the air around her as she waited for the creature to make a move.

The creature crept slowly over the corpse, drool dripped from its mouth onto the dirt. The paws gently touched the ground underneath them.

Selena slowly took on last step, the heel of her boot gently and slowly fell onto a small twig. The twig snapped in half and sounded throughout the forest.

The creature opened its jaws and gave an unearthly roar! It lunged forward at Selena!

Selena quickly swiped her blade at the creature, running the knife's razor edge across the animal's nose. She turned and ran as quickly as her legs would let her!

Time, it seemed, had suddenly slowed. Selena ran only a few steps before she was thrown onto the ground from a sudden, harsh, swipe from the animal's paw! The claws dug deep into the flesh of her back as she flew forwards a few feet and slammed onto the ground. Without knowing it, Selena's hand dropped the knife, her only protection against the creature.

Laying on her stomach, lifted her head just enough to search for the knife. Her hands franticly felt through pine needles and leaves for the knife. Knowing she could not search longer, Selena pushed herself up and tried to crawl onto her feet. As her head lifted further up, her eyes met face to face with the yellow ones of the wolf like animal right in front of her!

The beast snarled and stared at her. Drool dripped from its mouth as it sniffed her with its bleeding nose.

Selena's eyes ran black with the black ooze in her pupils. "Please work." She pleaded out loud.

The creature twisted its head back and forth. It lifted its ears and lowered its lips. The yellow eyes of the creature faded into white.

Selena looked up and down at the creature with her black eyes and gave a slight scoff. "Sit."

The creature did as it was commanded. It sat on its behind and stuck out its chest with pride.

Selena smiled as she managed to push herself up onto her feet. Her black eyes stared into the white ones of the creature. A smile slipped onto her face. "Strange, that only works on humans." She leaned in closer to the unmoving face of the tamed animal. "Now what exactly are you?"

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