Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chapter 4

Chapter four
After a hot shower, Martha sat down at the makeup dresser and began to search the drawers to find some sort of hair brush, yet every drawer was empty. She sighed and closed the last drawer. Her eyes glanced at her reflection in the oval mirror. The blue eyes stared at the dark circles under them and at the faded pink lips which were cracked and dried. Her cheeks had sunken in and barely had any lush color to them. Although wet, Martha's red hair sat just a few inches passed her shoulders. The sound of the news on the television faded as well as the sound of Richard taking his shower in the bathroom. Tears began to fill her eyes and then for only a few moments, Martha sobbed. She rested her face into the palms of her hands and continued to sob uncontrollably. The red head sniffled and pulled her head up. She ran her hands through her hair and tried to wipe the tears from her eyes.

There was knock at the door and the sound forced Martha to her feet. She adjusted the waist strap on her white bathrobe and shuffled in her slippers over to the door. "Who's there?"

"Zachary, do you mind if I come in?"

Martha shrugged and wiped her nose. "I guess so. You have the key."

The sound of metal against metal was heard from the lock and the door opened. Zachary stood at the doorway with folded clothes in his right arm. His outfit had changed into pair of acid washed jeans and a red t-shirt that had a "V" cut in the collar. Still on his feet were the black boots he wore before. He smiled to Martha and walked further into the room and closed the door. His eyes seemed to be dazed as he looked at Martha. "I ... Um ... That is ..." He stammered for a little bit before he chuckled. "I'm sorry. I found some clothing for you and Richard." He walked over to the bed and sat the clothing down to organize them. "I found some clothing in my closet for Richard and one of my friends offered something for you."

Martha watched him as he sat the clothing down. Without warning, Martha threw a fist down into Zachary's back! She continued to slap and punch the man with as much strength she could find. Tears fell out of her eyes as she sobbed. "You are not going to harm him! I won't let you!"

Zachary turned around and grabbed both of Martha's wrists with a gentle strength. Then, with passion in his eyes, he pulled her towards his torso and wrapped his arms around her.

The child like Martha continued to struggle, but she soon calmed and fell into the grasp of Zachary. She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his left shoulder. Tears ran out of her eyes as she continued to sob. She felt Zachary's cold hand run through her hair. As she rested in his arms and allowed him to pet her hair, she could smell his cologne which was a sweet musk like smell.

Zachary's voice was calm and whisper like. "Shh, calm yourself little fighter."

"He doesn't deserve this." She cried.

"Nor you. I know that I cannot comfort your fears, but I offer my shoulder for all your tears." He kissed her cheek and gently pushed her away from him. His red eyes stared into her blood shot blue eyes. For a moment, the two just stared at each other. It was not peaceful silence, because there was a tension in the air between them. Martha's lower lip quivered and Zachary held the frail woman by the shoulders.

Zachary's left ear twitched just slightly like a dog would to a sound and released his grasp on Martha. He smiled to her and placed his left index finger to her chin. "The food has arrived." His hand left her chin and his torso turned just slightly to pick up the woman's clothing he brought with him. Gently and slowly, Zachary held the pile of folded clothes in between him and Martha. "Please, get dressed. I will return with your meal in a matter of moments."

Martha kept her eyes on Zachary for a long moment as though some slight confusion had baffled her once angry spirit. She took the clothes and hugged them tightly against her chest. "Thank you." She finally whispered.

Zachary smiled and started to walk towards the door. Before he left, Zachary glanced around the door just one last time. Once again, Martha and he locked eyes and stared at each other as though each expecting something to happen or to be said. Instead of breathing another word, Zachary closed the door and locked it.

Martha stood with the clothes in her arms as she stared at the door. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she gave a slight grin.

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