Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chapter 5

Chapter five
Zachary slipped the key into his right jean pocket and sighed. "Bewitched again." He said with a smile. His boots began to tap on the floor as he walked over to the stairs and into the red sitting room. He stopped and shook his head before he took in a deep breath. Everything in the room gave off a soft fuzzy glow as he started to walk through it. The fire in the fire place stood still as a single flame broke off from the rest of the yellow and red flames. The sound of his boots echoed all around him as he walked through the hallway filled with the white staring statues, however the sound of the club music playing from under him had stopped.

He made his way to the balcony and down the stairs to the front door. Zachary stood at the double doors and let out his breath of air. The faint glow of the lights above him faded to a normal light and the sound of the club music was heard once again. There was a knock at the door and Zachary grinned as he opened the door.

In the doorway was a young man who delivered pizzas. Dressed in his blue and red uniform along with his hat, the boy held out two pizza boxes and a liter of soda as he looked up at the lion head hanging over his own. "Wow."

Zachary smiled as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his black leather wallet. "Hello there, thank for your rush."

The pizza boy looked down and nodded to Zachary. "Yeah...sure." He said in a daze. "Hey, isn't this that place? That club or something?"

Zachary smiled. "That it is, dear boy. How much do I owe you?"

The boy smiled as he stared at Zachary. "Hey! You're that guy ... Zach, right? Oh man, I've heard a lot about you."

Zachary smiled and nodded. "I hope all good things."

The teen nodded. "Oh yeah... I mean, I heard some other things too. Is it true that this manor is haunted?" His eyes lit up.

Zachary chuckled. "The fee, my dear boy."

The delivery boy looked down to the contents he held in his hands and shook his head. "Oh yeah, twenty-seven fifty."

Zachary chuckled as he counted out the money. "I'm going to assume that you are not eighteen just yet?"

The delivery boy nodded and shrugged with a frown. "Yeah, got two more years left." He looked up at Zachary and a figure caught his attention. As Zachary continued to count the money, the boy looked over Zachary's shoulder with wide eyes and closed his mouth tightly.

Zachary held out the money to the boy and started to take the pizza boxes and the soda. "Thank you very much." He loaded the contents onto and balanced them on his left arm along with his wallet. With a grin. "There is a ten dollar tip in there for you and my card. Stop by again in the next two years and you will have free admission to the club."

The boy took the money, still keeping his eyes over Zachary's shoulder at the figure standing by the coffin filled with glow sticks. "Okay ... Uh, thanks." He shoved the money into his pant pocket and rushed to his car.

Zachary chuckled and closed the door. "A smile wouldn't hurt." He said as he turned around to face the figure standing two feet away from him.

The figure was a large framed man, bulked with large muscles. He stood almost seven foot tall and his shoulders were very broad. His pitch black hair was pulled tightly back into a pony tail. Around his torso was a tight fitting white long sleeved shirt with the sleeves pushed up onto his large arms. A pair of brown slacks sat down over his white athletic sneakers.

The man's face was very strong with a dimple in his rounded chin. His face was horribly scared from large amounts of stitches that had once been in his skin. Circling his entire neck was a long crude scar. Around his large wrists were stitching scars. His eyes were a strong blue, almost diamond like. The bridge of his strong nose was slightly crooked and the left side of his face was scared from a horrible burn that he had healed from. Even with his scars, the man was not horrible to look at; he was indeed handsome to some degree, only his body showed years of battles and surgeries.

"What is the deal with the van?" The large man asked with a smirk. His voice was deep, very deep with a slight Hungarian accent.

Zachary started to the stairs. "Please follow me and I will explain."

The man followed and held onto the stair rail as he walked with a slight limp in his right knee. "I saw the video feed and you walked in with a couple."

"Cousins, actually."

"Either way, I said to myself, surely Zach will explain this."

"Odd, because I said to myself, I need to tell Gabriel about this." Zachary said with a grin.

Gabriel smirked. "Alright, spill it then."

Zachary sighed as he slowed his pace to walk along side with Gabriel. Every so often, the young host would look up to Gabriel with a smile as he recounted the beginning of the night with Richard and Martha. He told his tall friend about the dream that made him go for a stroll into the city and the events with Billy and Selena. "There is something in her eyes that oozes sadness, Gabriel." Zachary finished his story with. "And this Richard Thomas seems to be too good of a man to be a killer. Yet, his words captured my heart and stirred my fears."

Gabriel shoved his large hands into his slack pockets as he lowered his eyes to the red carpeted floor in the sitting room. "Not that I have ever argued with you, Zach, but you do realize that you are jeopardizing the club by bringing these two here. Not to mention the two hit men in that van."

Zachary nodded. "I do, but I also know we have seen many horrors and terrors in our day." His face lost the smile and grim look came across his face. "I know that we have stumbled on a few good years of peace here and I want to keep it so. This little fight is noting to us. All I am doing is stepping in to aid in the resistance. I take full responsibility."

Gabriel stopped and laid a hand on his friend's shoulder to stop him as well. His diamond blue eyes stared into Zachary's red ones. "You stood beside all of us when things got tough and you must know that we will do the same." He gave a crooked smile. "At least I will."

Zachary nodded with a grin. His pointed ears pinned back and he darted his head towards the stairs that led to the guest room he left Martha and Richard in. "Something is happening. A scream." Zachary dropped the items in his arm and took in a deep breath.

Gabriel had stopped moving, he became like a living statue as his hand was still kept on Zachary's shoulder. The items were stuck in midair and Zachary turned to charge towards the door that held Richard and Martha.

Still holding his breath, Zachary pulled out the key from his pocket and unlocked the door. He twisted the knob and shoved the door open. In his state of hyper speed, Zachary had to push hard on the door to open it. Once the door was opened, his eyes widened as he saw two figures on the bed.

There was a young man, dressed in a white buttoned up shirt that was covered with a long sleeved black sweater and a pair of jeans. He had not put on his shoes. His face was cruel with a large smile and his hands were wrapped around the throat of Martha as she laid on the bed! Her mouth was gaped open as though she were gasping for air! Some new stranger was choking Martha Thomas!

Zachary reacted as quickly as he could without losing his breath. He quickly ran over to the two laying on the bed and forced the man's frozen hands off of Martha's throat. Then, with all the strength he could find, Zachary grabbed the man by his throat and ran his suspended body through the air and slammed him onto the ground. With his hand on the man's throat and his knee in the skinny chest, Zachary let out his breath and the room came to life.

The young man looked at Zachary with terror in his almost black eyes. The thin black hair the man had fell onto the floor and his wicked smile switched to a growl. "Bloody hell!" The man said in a deep British accent.

Zachary's eyes glowed with red hot anger. "Who are you?" He asked.

The man gripped Zachary's wrist with his two hands and began to struggle. "Don't you think the question is, where did you come from? Because that is what is going through my mind at the moment!"

Gabriel stood at the doorway with confusion on his face. "Do you need help?"

Zachary kept his eyes narrowed on his prey. "Tend to Martha. Get her out of here."

Gabriel did not say a word. He ran over to Martha who was on the bed gasping for air. He gently grabbed her by the shoulders. "Please come with me."

Martha looked at him with fear and tried to speak.

Gabriel picked the woman up as though she were a doll in his hands and quickly escorted the gasping woman out into the hall. He stopped at the doorway and looked at Zachary and waited for further instruction.

"The key is still in the door, Gabriel. Lock it behind you. I will tend to our little friend here." Zachary commanded.

Gabriel nodded and slammed the door.

Zachary did not move until he heard the last lock of the door. He stood up and took his position at the feet of the young man.

The man rubbed his throat as he gasped. "Alright ... Clearly I am out of my league with you." He pushed himself to sit up and stare at Zachary. His black eyes wandered over the frame of Zachary like a cat would to a rat. His thin black hair fell back into perfect position with his bangs falling over his right eye. A wicked smile grew on his face which revealed crooked teeth. His nose was large with a small curve to the tip. His cheek bones were protruding from his face and his skin had an odd gray tone to it.

Zachary looked at the man for a long moment. "Who are you?"

The man laughed as he pushed himself up and ran his hand through his hair, which caused the bangs covering his right eye to be pushed to the side of his head. "Oh, I have been called many names. Some have been asshole or the Devil, but I didn't like most of em." He said in his off putting accent. "But most call me Bugsy."

Zachary lifted his left eyebrow in confusion. "How did you get into this room?"

Bugsy laughed with a cackle and adjusted the very loose fitting pants he wore. The clothing he wore was far too big to fit on his very thin frame. "What are you, a cop?"

"To you and I am the authority around here." Zachary said in a bold voice.

Bugsy held out his left hand and grinned as he tilted his head slightly back and his eyes grew wide. "I won't answer any more questions until I get a cigarette."

Zachary studied the hand for a moment. The fingers were long and boney and through the skin of the man's palm, blue veins protruded out. Zachary sighed and pulled out his silver cigarette case from his front pocket. He opened it and pulled out one of the three hand rolled cigarettes from the case to place into the hand of the stranger. He watched as Bugsy lifted the cigarette into his thin lips. Zachary then pulled out his silver cigarette lighter and began to light Bugsy's cigarette. The two did not move their eyes from each other. With the flame between them, Zachary's read eyes stared into the black ones of Bugsy.

Bugsy drew in a deep breath of smoke and blew it out. It was the first time his large cat like eyes relaxed for a moment and they even crossed as he exhaled. "Oh that is the good stuff. Hadn't had a cigarette in years."

Zachary held the cigarette lighter and case in his right hand as he continued to stare at Bugsy. "How did you get into the room?"

Bugsy let out a loud sigh and smacked his lips. "Always questions, questions, questions." He scratched his forehead. "Alright mate, I'll level with ya. I caught a ride into here." He glanced around the room with a wicked grin. "Whatever here is?"

Zachary's eyes were stern, which seemed to not bother the young man before him. "Why did you attack Miss Thomas?"

Bugsy laughed and sat down on the couch next to him. "Miss Thomas? You are old school, mate." He gave his wicked grin as his puffed on the cigarette. His black eyes flashed as though there were no soul in them. "The bitch tried to kill me."

Zachary tried to help the confused look on his face and kept it blank. "Martha Thomas tried to kill you? You can see how hard it is for me to believe that."

Bugsy scoffed as he leaned back into the couch and crossed his legs at the ankles, extending them out. "She wasn't killin' me like you think of killin'."

Zachary started to pace in front of Bugsy, like a lion would at a zoo. "Where is Richard?"

Bugsy's wicked grin turned into a frown with a confused look in his blank eyes. "Who?"

Zachary snarled. "Do not play games with me, young lad. Richard Thomas. He was in this very room with the two of you."

Bugsy shook his head and took in a puff of his cigarette. "Never heard of the guy."

Zachary let out a raspy screech and quickly grabbed Bugsy by the shirt and lifted him as high as he could. "I am in no mood for tricks!"

Bugsy looked around the two and laughed. "Oh wow, you are a strong one aren't you?" There was no sense of fear or terror in his face, only the wicked grin and the black eyes that stared at Zachary. "I'm excited to see what you are going to do next, Count Dracula."

Zachary scoffed and tossed the man onto the couch again. "You said you caught a ride into here, what does that mean?"

Bugsy shrugged and flicked the ashes of his hand rolled cigarette onto the black wooden floor. "Had to catch a ride in here, because I was knocked out. I don't know how long I have been out, but the last thing I remembered was that red head demon injected some drug into my arm. Then poof, I am standing in here at the foot of the bed with my hand zipping up my pants. Some idiot thought it would be funny to place these on my face." Bugsy reached behind the couch and grabbed something from the foot of the bed. With a wink, Bugsy held out this item to Zachary.

Although he did not take the item, Zachary studied it. It was a pair of wired framed glasses. Richard's glasses. He cocked his head to one side and suddenly turned to start for the door.

"Gonna lock me in, I see." Bugsy taunted behind Zachary.

Zachary turned around and stared at the strange young man sitting on the couch. "Of course. Do you really think I am going to let someone like you run around choking women?"

Bugsy waved his hand and smirked. "She wouldn't be the first person I killed, but she is the only one I would like to torture." He stood up and popped his neck. "Look, obviously, I do not want to piss you off. If you can move faster than I can, then I am outmatched. However, you are not the first person that has locked me in a room." He puffed on is cigarette and walked with a stagger over to the end of the couch. "So I am going to make a deal with you, I'll give you three hours before I find a way out of here." He jumped over the couch and bounced on the bed like a child would and smoked on the cigarette.

Zachary shook his head and knocked on the door. "Gabriel, be kind and unlock the door."

As the sound of the key in the door lock was heard, Zachary turned around to Bugsy who had laid down on the bed with the television remote in his hands.

"Hey, Dracula, does this have porn?" He asked as he pointed towards the television.

Zachary did not answer.

The door opened and Zachary pushed through it to walk outside into the hallway, where Gabriel stood guard over the door and Martha paced with her arms folded over her chest.

Gabriel closed and locked the door again.

Zachary walked over to Martha and folded his arms behind his back. "You can imagine the world of confusion I am in right now."

Martha stopped and started to bite down on her left thumb nail. Her face was filled with both terror and worry. "I knew he would come back. We were out of Prantex and Richard thought he was gone ... But he wasn't! I knew ... I knew."

Zachary sighed. "Where is Richard?"

Martha gave a small chuckle along with as scoff and rolled her eyes. "He is in there."

Zachary looked to Gabriel over his shoulder. Gabriel looked at Zachary with confusion. Zachary turned his attention back to the pacing Martha. "Because I did not sense him or see him, I am drawing a conclusion at the moment that seems so fantastic, that it must be true."

Martha sighed. "What is that, Zachary?"

He glanced to Gabriel with a smirk and then sighed. "Am I to assume that Richard has gone through a metamorphosis into that young man? Am I going to accuse the very idea that Richard is some sort of shape shifter and can turn into Bugsy?"

Martha stopped and stared at the ground as she removed her half eaten thumb nail from her mouth. "You can believe that?"

Zachary closed his eyes and then looked at Martha. "That is the only conclusion I have met." He did not seem surprised or shocked by the very idea.

Martha darted her eyes at Zachary and approached him with fear in her blue eyes. "The man is a monster!"

Gabriel walked to Zachary's side as he stared down to Martha with a very confused look on his face.

Martha shook her head and grabbed Zachary's t-shirt. "You have to help me kill Bugsy! We have to find some new Prantex!"

Zachary grabbed Martha's wrists and looked into her eyes. "We have three hours to find the answer to this problem. You have one hour to explain all of this to me."

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