Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chapter 15

Chapter fifteen
A loud snort escaped his sleeping nose. He lifted his head from the back seat head rest and squinted his eyes. "Where ... Where am I?" He glanced around and tried to move his arms, but they were bound together at the wrists with some type of tape. "Where are my glasses?"

"Shut up back there!" Demanded a hissing like voice in the front driver's seat.

His face dropped into fear. "Oh no." Richard's voice whispered as he glanced from his bound wrists. "Billy?"

"In the flesh you idiot!" His voice started low and then suddenly flew upwards into a high pitch.  "Can't you see that? Oh wait, no you can't." He chuckled with a hissing sound through his teeth.

Richard shook his head. "I really can't see anything without my glasses ... Where is Martha?" He squinted and blinked. The suit around Richard's body had shrunk and from his nose down to his chin, his skin was stained with dried blood.

"You know something, I like the other one! He didn't ask so many questions and didn't sound like a cry baby!" Billy's voice roared and hissed.

Richard lowered his head and closed his eyes tightly.

The black Sudan swerved to turn a sharp corner. "What a night!" Billy's voice yelled with excitement. "I got rid of that nagging idiot and captured my prize." The rear view mirror twisted gently from his invisible hand. "And I have never looked better."

"Did you harm her?" Richard asked in a lowered voice, keeping his eyes closed.

"Who?" Billy asked with a harsh tone.


"Are you going on about her?! I don't know what happened to her!" Billy coughed wildly for a few moments and then settled. "Maybe that red eyed friend of yours killed her? Maybe he drank her blood and turned her into one of the living dead?" He mocked.

Richard kept his eyes tightly closed and shook his head. "No ... He wouldn't ..."

Billy hissed with laughter. "Interesting friends you have, Richie."

"He isn't my friend." Richard said under his breath.

"No, I suppose it isn't." Billy said as his invisible hands turned the wheel and his unseen bare foot slammed on the gas pedal to accelerate. The car sped passed a red light and nearly missed an oncoming car driving straight on the right side. The car's head lights beamed throughout the car and honked as Billy passed by with a cackle.

Richard kept his eyes tightly closed, but heard a loud siren muffled by the closed windows. He slowly lifted his head and opened his eyes. Blurry visions of red and blue lights fluttered throughout the inside of the car.

Billy scoffed and he banged his fists onto the steering wheel. "Damn it! Damn it!"

The car accelerated faster and faster. Richard struggled in his taped hand cuffs, but could not break the many layers of tape.

"I just want one thing to go right! Is that too much to ask for?!" Billy screamed.

Richard breathed heavily with panic over his squinted eyes. He bit down on his lower lip and closed his eyes. "Come on ... Come on." He whispered to himself.

Billy honked his horn as he drove into a sidewalk. "Come on you pigs! Come and get me!"

The siren continued to whine behind Richard as he took in a deep breath. "Come on ... Come on. I know you are there."

The car's heavy frame slammed into rows of parking meters; change flew over the car along with the broken meters!

"Come on." Richard continued to chant.

Billy yelled and screamed at the top of his lungs with curses. "Come get me you idiots! Get the invisible man! HA! HA! HA!"

Richard opened his eyes. "Come on." He whispered. The brown eyes lost their color and faded into a dark black. His frame shrunk and his fingers became bonier. His nose began to grow and hook at the front. His curly brown hair became loose and turned pitch black. The weak chin protruded outward into a stronger one with a dimple in the middle. His cheek bones rose slightly and a wicked smile grew on his face. As the smile extended across his thinning face, his teeth twisted and grew over each other. Very sudden and quickly, Richard's very frame morphed into the thin frame of Bugsy.

Bugsy blinked a few times before glancing down to his taped wrists with his black eyes. He pulled his wrists against the tape and frowned when he found he could not break the tape with ease.

"Come on! Come at me!" Billy yelled.

Bugsy lifted his thin face and darted his black animal eyes to the driver seat. His lower jaw protruded out and his lower teeth exposed themselves. He lifted his cuffed arms into the air and quickly lifted them over the driver's headrest. His arms felt for the head of the invisible man.

"What the hell?!" Billy hissed before Bugsy wrapped his bound wrists around his neck.

Bugsy pulled back his arms that were securely around the man's neck.

Invisible hands tried to pry off the mighty grip Bugsy had on his neck, but the only thing the man could do was struggle. Billy gasped for air and swerved the car off the sidewalk onto oncoming traffic!

Headlights beamed into the car, reflecting off of Bugsy's black eyes as he pulled tighter and tighter on Billy's unseen neck. The steering wheel twisted and rounded as the ghostly hands tried to slap the attacker.

Bugsy looked through the wind shield and saw a large cloud of thick black fog rolling up towards them. The fog twisted into a large face with a snarling mouth of sharp teeth!

"Bloody hell!" Bugsy snarled with fright.

Billy gasped as the car ran into the fog! As they entered the fog, the black thick cloud ran through the air vents of the vehicle and filled the entire interior! Bugsy was blinded. He coughed wildly as he held his grasp on Billy's neck. The steering wheel gave a heavy turn to the right and suddenly, the car was off the ground.

The turn was so sudden, the car twisted just enough and flew into the air! Bugsy tightened his grip around the invisible man's neck as he screamed. Billy gasped for air as the car rolled and slammed into the ground! The two slammed into the roof of the car as it rolled across the concrete like a rock skipping across a pond! As the two were sent into a black fog spiral, a loud bone snap was heard from Billy's neck! Bugsy slammed his head hard against the back seat driver door! The windows smashed and shattered into the black fog! The car's frame and metal were dented inward! Finally, after five rolls, the car landed back on its wheels, damaged beyond belief.


The brown and white police cruiser that had been following the stolen vehicle slowed to a stop behind the broken car. On the sides of the vehicle sat the golden words: Sheriff's Department.

Red and blue lights on top of the roof of the vehicle blinked, but the siren had stopped. The driver side door opened and out stepped a man in his early thirties. His head was shaved bald and his frame was built with lean muscle. His large teddy bear brown eyes widened into perfect circles as he walked over to the smashed car. Dressed in a sheriff's tanned uniform, the young man pulled out a nine millimeter from the black leather holster strapped to his belt and held it with two hands pointed down. He searched the vehicle as his hand held radio, strapped to his left side, buzzed with a loud voice. He ignored the call on the radio and continued a slow stride over to the crashed Sudan.

The man stopped as the black fog slowly seeped out of the smashed windows of the black vehicle. He blinked for a moment and slowly replaced his gun back into its holster. He watched as the fog slowly formed together to create the pale human looking Zachary.

Zachary stumbled forward for a moment and then leaned his back against the side of the car. He placed his right hand on his forehead and shook his head. "Hello ... Sheriff Reynolds. Nice night for a stroll ... Isn't it?" He stammered.

Reynolds looked at Zachary with disbelief and pointed to the car. "What the hell is going on?" His voice was high pitched and dry.

Zachary shook his head on last time before removing himself from the car. "Well ... Umm." He glanced to the car and then back to the Sheriff with a smirk. "You know, I can't really explain this to you. May I just say that it is club business?"

Reynolds shook his head as he pulled out a long flashlight from his black belt. "You've got to be kidding me!" He pushed himself passed the dazed Zachary and turned on his flashlight. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" He aimed the beam of his flashlight into the driver's seat.

There, sitting in the driver's seat, was a nude Billy. His mouth was covered with blood and his eyes were frozen wide with fear and shock.

Reynolds shook his head and placed two fingers on the man's throat. "I am not getting a pulse." He said in a frustrated tone.

Zachary nodded as he approached the driver's side back door. "I hear only one faint heart beat." The black fingernails extended to finger length and Zachary shoved them quickly into the metal frame of the door. He then grunted slightly as he pulled the door off from the rest of the smashed car. As he did, the limp bloody body of Richard rolled out of the back seat and fell onto the ground.

Reynolds aimed his flashlight onto the tied up Richard laying on the ground. "I take it, you were after him?"

Zachary nodded with a sigh as he tossed the heavy door to the side. "Yes. In some way, he was captured by the ... Well, the nude man there." He explained as he pointed a long fingernail to the driver's seat.

Reynolds let out a heavy sigh and turned off his flashlight as he rolled his eyes. "Okay ... I have to call this in because too many people saw him racing through the town." He pointed his blank flashlight to the driver. "He was off his rocker and took this kid for a joy ride. Things got out of control and then this happened." Reynolds pointed to Richard and stared at Zachary. "You need to get him out of here right now."

Zachary nodded. "I understand and thank you."

Reynolds shook his head with his right index finger pointed at the blue morning sky. "Don't. Just promise me this sort of thing doesn't happen again and that you will be in my office first thing in the ..." The frustrated and shocked sheriff twisted his hand to look at his wrist watch. "Well in a couple of hours, to explain this whole damn thing."

Zachary nodded with a humbled smile. "Of course."

As Sheriff Reynolds passed Zachary, pulling out his radio to call in the accident, Zachary gently squatted down to pulled Richard further out of the car. He lifted the young man over his left shoulder and carried him over to the sheriff's cruiser. As Zachary walked with the young man draped over his shoulder like a blanket, a pair of familiar head lights approached the back end of the cruiser and parked a few feet behind it.

The driver side door to the mustang parked behind the police cruiser opened and the large frame of Gabriel stood out. His blue eyes stared at Zachary as he walked away from the car to help Zachary with Richard. "Did I miss anything?"

With the combined efforts of Gabriel and Zachary, the two gently set the sleeping teen into the back seat of the car. The voice of Sheriff Reynolds calling in the accident could be heard in the background along with the faint chirping of birds as they made their morning flight over head.

Zachary closed the door with a sigh. "What a night."

Gabriel stared at his friend with a worried glare. "What are we going to do with them, Zachary? This Martha and Richard ... And Bugsy Thomas?"

Zachary slowly walked around the back end of the car with a slight grace. His eyes were pointed to the ground as his lips tightened. "We obviously cannot allow them back into the open. Whoever sent this William and Selena are bound to send out more goons." He stopped at the passenger side door for a moment, staring into the backseat window at Richard sleeping. "They will be hunted once more. It will only be a matter of time before they are caught and only God knows what they will do with him." Zachary widened his eyes and rolled them around to his right side, glancing at the ground. "On the other hand, there will be a good chance that they will not be found by these people." He turned his eyes to Gabriel. "Then they will have to deal with the villagers that Bugsy will eventually anger. Instead of telepathic, invisible bounty hunters, there will be pitch forks and torches."

Gabriel nodded as he stared at Zachary. "I know what that feels like, being hunted like a wild animal."

Zachary opened his car door and sighed before entering the car. "Which leads me to the only conclusion that I can find ..."

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