Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chapter 6

Chapter six

"Did you get it?" Selena asked still laying on her stomach. The inside of the van was very dark, only the full white moon gave enough light for her to see. Steam rolled out of her mouth as she struggled in the plastic straps that held her arms behind her back.

"Shut up." Billy hissed as he tried to pull a pocket knife out of Selena's left side pocket. He wiggled his back closer to her's and grunted.

"No funny business." Selena whispered with a sharp tongue. "I am having enough trouble not to vomit with you against me."

Billy rolled his eyes as his glasses began to fall off his face. "Oh please, it's not like we have never been this close to each other."

Selena paused as Billy reached into her front pocket. Billy slid the knife out of her pocket and opened it.

"Being drunk and taken advantage of is not being close, you sick idiot." Selena snarled.

Billy did not say a word, he focused attention on the invisible straps that held his arms behind his back. He used his fingers to wiggle the blade back and forth over the plastic and forced his wrists against the straps. Finally, after a few moments of effort, the straps snapped in half. Billy was free.

"Now, untie me!" Selena demanded.

Billy sat on his knees with the knife blade blazing from the full moon light. He looked over Selena who still had her back turned to him. His eyes were blank like his soul had been removed. Billy licked his course lips as his eyes ran up and down Selena's curved frame. Slowly, Billy touched the tip of the blade on her shoulder.

Selena tried to glance over her shoulder to Billy. "What the hell are you doing? Untie me."

Billy's dazed soulless eyes watched as the blade ran gently over her arm, onto her waist and over her butt. He licked his drool from the side corners of his mouth.

"Billy! You sick freak! Untie me!" Selena roared.

The pimpled covered hit man leaned down to cut into Selena's straps. His face knelt into her curly blond hair and he gave a loud sniff. He then rubbed his course pimpled covered nose over her cheek. "Are you still sickened by me?"

Selena looked around with wide eyes. "What are you doing?"

He smiled and stopped his cutting. "You know how much fun we could have if I leave you tied up?" He kissed her cheek and laid the blade down next to her hands. Billy turned and unlocked the sliding door. He gently opened it and stepped out into the cold air.

Selena wiggled in her straps and scoffed. "You idiot! Untie me! Untie me!"

Billy smiled and slammed the door behind him. He could still hear Selena's roars and demands muffled behind the door. The course hands lifted to adjust his winkled black silk tie before he ran around the van.

He walked quickly with a stern look on his face. Quickly, Billy pulled out a small pistol from within a concealed pocket in his overcoat. He cocked the chamber to allow a bullet to enter the barrel. Then, with quiet footsteps, Billy held the gun head level and walked past the front doors. His wild dark eyes darted from right to left, studying the unknown area he was in.

He walked around the house and glanced to almost every window he could see. Each one was barred with thick iron bars and bolted with heavy black bolts. He shook his head as he continued to walk around the house. "No way in." He said. He continued his search around the house.

Suddenly, a loud wolf like howl twisted with a moan of a human sliced through the night air! Billy turned and aimed his weapon to where he thought the sound came from.

A few feet from him was the dark forest that lined the property. Dead trees had lost their lives from the battle with autumn and lining the trees was a thick cable like fence that stood higher than he. Billy adjusted his glasses to see a yellow sign; from the distance he stood, he could not read what the sign said. "Electric?" He asked himself.

The wolf howl mixed with a human moan cut through the air again and Billy glanced around the woods with his fire arm pointed into the black wooden abyss. "What the hell is that?" He asked himself again. He shook his head and continued his search for an opening into the house.

Finally, Billy managed to run around the entire manor and made his way to the back side of it. Starting from the back wall of the manor, standing as tall as the large house, was a brick wall made from the same bricks that lined the outside of the manor and seemed to be like another wall to the house; the only difference, the only thing that gave away that it was some type of fenced wall was a missing roof.

Billy walked around the wall to the very back of it. There, he saw the electric fence bend from the woods, leaving an opening into the wooded area, and connected to a tall iron gate that stood the height of the wall. The gate seemed to be the entrance into the inside of the wall.

He studied the fence for a moment and shook his head. "Electric, more than likely." He kept looking around the fence and the gate. The wandering eyes that sat behind the glasses stopped on a control box that sat just on the other side of the gate, inside the wall. The box had a lever on it with a red knob.

Billy smiled and aimed his gun. He closed one eye and used the other to peer down the barrel. He fired a shot and missed the box. The bullet bounced off the brick wall beside the box. He grunted and aimed again. His finger squeezed the trigger and fired another shot. The bullet smacked the box and a small spark flew into the air.

He holstered his pistol and looked over the fence. "How to test it?"

Billy stopped and felt a sharp pain slice pass his right arm! He jumped back and tried to pull out his pistol. His eyes narrowed on the curved frame of Selena. She held the blade in her right hand.

"I'm going to kill you for leaving me back there!" She sneered, exposing her teeth like a wild animal. Her eyes began to ooze with the blackness of her pupils.

Billy laughed with a hiss as he pulled out his pistol. Quickly, he aimed his pistol at her and pulled out his dog whistle.

Selena lunged at Billy with her blade, but she was too late. Billy had placed the whistle onto his lips and blew hard on it.

Selena held her left hand over her ear as her face twisted in pain. "Damn it!"

Billy fired a shot at Selena's shoulder! She stumbled and hit the cable fence. The shot woman held onto one of the cables as she fell onto the ground with her black eyes rolling to the back of her head. After struggling against fainting, Selena finally let go of the dulled fence and fell onto the frost covered ground.

Billy smiled as he removed the whistle from his lips. "That will do."

Again, the sound of a moan human like wolf groaned in the distance of the woods.

Billy slowly turned to look over his shoulder. His glasses reflected the light shining from the moon as a smirk came over his face. "What in the hell is that?"

With a shrug, Billy started to climb over the fence and stumbled into the electrical cable fence hallway that led to the tall Iron Gate. He holstered his weapon and approached the gate with ease. Once at the gate, Billy examined it to see how it was locked. There, on the other side of the gate, was a thick latch that seemed to swing up and down. He stuck his hand and arm in between the iron bars and grabbed the latch to lift it. He struggled with the latch for a moment and lifted it just enough for him to open the gate. He stepped through the gate and closed it behind him. He gave one last look to Selena, who laid on the ground with her face down. "Good night, princess."

As Billy turned around to face what lay within the brick wall, he discovered that he was standing at the end of a vast garden. From wall to wall, the garden sat with odd looking exotic plants. Each were covered with frost and seemed to stand very tall. To one side of the wall was a small lattes that held a fat red rose bush, whose vines crawled onto the white lattes with thorns and red faces. Strange purple like flowers stood as tall as his shoulders and odd looking bushes stood even taller; these bushes were cut into forms like a lion or a woman like figure. Each plant stood in formation with the bushes lining a cobble stone walk way that led to the back of the manor. In the center of the walk way stood a fountain that held white marble statues of a lion sitting calmly under an angel who was petting the head of the lion. The angel was looking down at the lion with care as she held onto a small pot that leaked red tinted water.

Billy pulled out his pistol again and held it at the level of his waist as he walked with caution into the hallway of bushes. His eyes darted around him with fear as he tightened his mouth. The wind howled as it rounded his head and shoulders. The blood from his wound dripped onto the ground as he continued to walk with caution.

As the stranger walked out of the bushes, he found himself in a circled cobble stoned patio that held a matching set of black metal lawn chairs that were in Gothic design. Each chair held red cushions and a long swinging bench had a red cloth draped over it. The swinging bench swayed slowly with a ghostly like presence from the wind.

Behind the matching lawn set was the back of the house, which was an extra room made of all glass and black metal sides. Although very dark outside, Billy could see inside of the room due to a dim blue light inside. Inside the glass room was more plants that were tall and odd looking. Right in front of him was the glass door that led into the inside.

With a grunt of pain, Billy stepped quickly to the door and pulled on the silver door knob only to find that his entrance was locked. He stepped back as he bit on his lower lip and aimed his gun at the door knob. He hesitated for only a moment before he glanced to his left side and saw salvation. There, protruding out of the corner of glass portion of the house and out of the ground near the wall was a basement double doors.

Billy lowered his weapon and walked over to the doors made of thick metal. There was no lock on the outside latch and a light could be seen through the cracks of the doors. He slowly grabbed the left side latch and opened the door. With a thrust, Billy throughout his gun in case someone was behind the doors. A yellow dim light eliminated a pair of concrete stairs that led further into the basement. Billy held his gun ready to fire as he stepped down into the basement.

Once inside, Billy was standing inside a small hallway that lead only to the right. He slowly crept along the left wall of the hallway. He could see the light was coming from another room that the hallway lead into. The only sound Billy could hear was his own breathing along with his loud beating heart as he continued through the small hallway into the next room.

The room was vast, much large than a normal basement. Overhead were rows of lamps that hung down with the aid of chains. The walls were made of the same brick as the outside of the manor, only there were cracks. In some way, the walls looked almost dungeon like. There were tables off all kinds in the room; the tables were covered with all sorts of scientific equipment and relics of different religions. On the wall facing him was an ivory skull of a goat head. Around this goat skull was a red spray painted circle and in between the skull and the circle was odd looking symbols. Just below the skull was a long table that was covered with a long red cloth. On the cloth were rows of candles, still smoking from being put out just moments before his arrival. In the center of the white candles was a large wooden bowl and beside it was an incense tray that was still burning a stick of sweet smelling incense.

His eyes followed the table that sat on this wall and saw a set of concrete stairs leading up to a single wooden door. He aimed his weapon at the door and started for it. Billy's dark eyes twitched as he licked the corner of his mouth. His expensive looking black shoes slid across the floor as he made way for the door.

"You shouldn't be here." Said a whisper like voice.

Billy turned around and waved his weapon in the air! His eyes were wide with fear! "Selena?" He asked. As Billy looked around behind him, he saw no one. There was no sign of Selena or anyone.

"Who are you?" Asked different whisper.

Billy turned around again, circling around himself with his gun aimed. "What the hell?" His breathing became heavy with terror as he found no one was in the room other than himself and there was no place for anyone to hide!

"Sinner!" Screamed a woman like voice directly in front of him.

Over and over again, the voices murmured, called him names and asked who he was. Billy circled himself as panic set into his eyes. "What is going on?!" He waved his gun around wildly, aiming at thin air. By this point, there were so many voices that they blended together to make an incoherent chant of murmurs and screaming.

Billy started to back away with fearful confusion. "What do you want? What are you?" He fell back and bumped into one of the tables behind him! As he did, the table moved just slightly which made Billy loose his footing and he started to fall onto the ground. He waved his arm to brace himself on the table, which brought the whole table down on him!

Test tubes and metallic bowls filled with strange liquid fell onto his body, covering him with all sorts of different colored solutions. The liquid burned through his clothing and burned his skin! Like throwing his entire body into a large barn fire, Billy screamed as the liquid bubbled on his skin and eyes!

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